Make a Donation: UCBAA / ASP
UCBAA and The William Saroyan Endowment Fund for the Armenian Studies Program (ASP)
Click "Donate" above to donate to UCBAA
(via Credit Card, Debit Card, or Paypal)
Click Here to donate to the Armenian Studies Program
(via Berkeley's Give to Cal program)
Note: Donations to ASP will be acknowledged by the University's Donations Office and not UCBAA.
Name: Armenian Studies Program (William Saroyan Endowment)
Address: c/o UCBAA, P.O. Box 10113, Berkeley, CA 94709-5113
EIN number: 47-3269040
There are several options to support our programs. For more information, please Contact Us.
In memory of a loved one in lieu of flowers
In Honor Of
Birthdays and Anniversaries
Matching Gift
Double your contribution by taking advantage of your employer’s matching gift program
Making a bequest is as easy as can be but it will have a far-reaching impact. All that is necessary is to include language in your will. Since UCBAA is a non-profit organization, a bequest will benefit your estate in that it lowers the taxable value if your estate and is exempt from state inheritance taxes.
You may bequest either a percentage of your estate or a specific dollar amount. Talk to your estate planner about which is the better option for you.
A bequest can be designated for a specific purpose or it may be left unrestricted, thus providing UCBAA with the flexibility to utilize the funds for future purposes that may not today be readily apparent.
Sample bequest language: "I give, bequeath, and devise to the U.C. Berkeley Armenian Studies Program (William Saroyan Endowment) the sum total of $______ / X percent as a gift from my estate."
Life Insurance
You can donate a paid-up life insurance policy no longer needed by your family and receive a tax benefit or revocably name /ASP as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy which you will continue to own.
A gift called a retained life estate allows you to donate real estate to ASP and retain the use of the property during your life.
Life Income Gifts
This method of giving allows you to give during your lifetime, deriving income from the gift as well as tax benefits. A charitable gift annuity or charitable remainder trust may be desirable options for you to explore.
Retirement and Brokerage Assets
Giving and IRA, 401(k), or 403(b) can be an attractive choice. These accounts are among the highest taxed assets in your estate. By bequesting them to a non-profit such as ASP, we will receive the full amount of the gift at no cost to you during your lifetime and your heirs will receive more of your estate by receiving more favorably taxed assets.